Wednesday, 12 March 2014

We're off!

Wednesday 12 March

It's a bright sunny morning, the 'Rest and be Thankful' has been re-opened.....all our bags are packed and we're ready to go, we're leaving on a jet plane......but I guess John Denver didn't have the same content in his bags......footballs, blackboard dusters, tinned haggis, hundreds of pencils, shortbread, baby clothes, and plenty of other strange things besides!

Glasgow to Heathrow, then on overnight to Addis Abba where we change and fly on to Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. There we will be met by the Kasamba congregation of the Church of Central Africa. We look forward to joining them, hoping and praying that the journey will go smoothly.



  1. Safe journey all, shall follow you with interest and prayers. Jenni

  2. Hope you've arrived safely by now. Love Ali x

  3. Got your text glad all is well and you have arrived safely. x

  4. Glad you arrived safely, have a great trip. Looking forward to reading about it if you get a chance to update the blog. Teri x
