Moni Mid-Argyll Greetings Mid-Argyll
2 March 2014Good evening.....well it's less than two weeks to go and we have all just returned from an inspiring and encouraging service of dedication at the Free Church in Lochgilphead. Fittingly, this was the Church in which Donald Fraser grew up before he left for his long years of service in Malawi.
With friends from the neighbouring churches the nine-member party heard of the history and strong connection between the Churches in Malawi and Scotland from 'Abusa' Stanley Hood and also received a fitting message from Robert MacLeod about Barnabus....."The Encourager", a very timely message for us all before our visit to Lilongwe. Hearing of the size and growth of the Church in Africa was itself an encouragement; I am sure that we shall all learn much during our visit.
Our group comprises:
Mollie and Stanley Hood
Beth, Ruth and David Carruthers
Paul Daye
Janet and David Jardine
David Logue
The 'Nine' at a planning meeting in the manse at Ardrishaig
As I am new to writing / creating a blog I'm keeping this first entry short, but hopefully as things progress, my confidence and skill may may even see some photos once I have mastered how to put them in!
Abusa Stanley Hood tells us of the history of the Church in Malawi
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